Maximize Uptime & Ensure Quality in Pharmaceutical Manufacturing

Facttwin's real-time monitoring and predictive analytics optimises the production and streamline compliance.

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Maximize Uptime & Ensure Quality in Pharmaceutical Manufacturing

Preferred by leading organizations in transforming their real-time
manufacturing data into actionable insights

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The Solution

What does Facttwin solve for you?

Let’s address the challenges faced in pharmaceutical manufacturing and explore how we can empower the operations.

Improves Quality & Compliance

Pain Point

Maintaining balance in between market demand and product quality, consistency & compliance is often difficult to achieve.

Facttwin Solution

Facttwin with its real-time operational and predictive-maintenance insights, helps pharmaceutical manufacturers to:

Improves Quality & Compliance


Improve overall operational efficiency across multiple plants


Pass compliance audits effortlessly with proper integrity

Improves Productivity & Efficiency

Pain Point

Lack of real-time shop-floor visibility and frequent asset/equipment downtime for pharmaceutical product manufacturing, that involves strict tolerances results in reduced OEE, Availability & Performance of manufacturing operation.

Facttwin Solution

Facttwin with its real-time operational and predictive-maintenance insights, helps pharmaceutical manufacturers to:

Improves Productivity & Efficiency


Improve overall operational efficiency across multiple plants


Boost productivity, availability & performance of manufacturing operation

Know more about Facttwin!

A unified Industrial IoT Suite for Pharmaceutical Manufacturing


Smart Factory

Helps Operation/Plant/Engineering/IT leaders to visualize the overall pharma manufacturing operation of multiple plants from anywhere, anytime.

Key Features

  • Data collection in real-time
  • KPI Analysis
  • Production Analysis
  • Root Cause Analysis
  • Statistical Process Control
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Machine Health Monitoring

Machine Health Monitoring

Helps Operation/Plant/Engineering/Maintenance leaders to forecast equipment failure used in pharmaceutical manufacturing, reducing unplanned factory downtime.

Key Features

  • Advanced data capturing in real-time
  • Abnormal Temperature & Vibration Alarms
  • Vibration & Temperature Trends
  • Fault Analysis
  • Live Machine Status
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Got Questions About Facttwin in Pharmaceutical Manufacturing? We've Got Answers.

How does Facttwin ensure data security and integrity in a regulated environment like pharmaceuticals?

Facttwin understands the stringent security and compliance requirements of the pharmaceutical industry. We prioritize data protection and integrity with:

  • Role-based access controls to restrict data visibility based on authorization levels.
  • Encryption of data both at rest and in transit.
  • Immutable audit trails for comprehensive tracking of data changes.
  • Adherence to industry standards (e.g., GAMP5, 21 CFR Part 11) and support for validation processes.
Can Facttwin's Smart Factory solution monitor cleanroom environments and critical environmental parameters?

Yes! Facttwin’s Smart Factory solution offers real-time monitoring of critical environmental parameters essential for pharmaceutical manufacturing, including:

  • Temperature
  • Humidity
  • Differential pressure
  • Airflow
  • Particle counts

Our system triggers alerts upon deviations from specified thresholds, safeguarding product quality and ensuring compliance.

How does Facttwin's Machine Health Monitoring solution detect early signs of equipment wear or potential failures?

Facttwin’s Machine Health Monitoring solution utilizes advanced analytics and machine learning algorithms with real-time sensor data, concentrating on:

  • Vibration analysis: Detecting subtle changes indicative of misalignment, bearing wear, etc.
  • Temperature monitoring: Identifying abnormal heat patterns suggesting impending breakdowns.
  • Pattern recognition: Learning normal operating baselines to identify anomalies.

Our predictive model alerts you on potential issues well in advance, allowing for proactive maintenance.

Does Facttwin provide tools for statistical process control (SPC) and how does this help with quality assurance?

Facttwin offers integrated SPC tools that enable pharmaceutical manufacturers to:

  • Monitor critical process parameters in real-time.
  • Establish control limits and identify out-of-control situations.
  • Visualize process trends and patterns to uncover potential quality issues.

This proactive SPC approach enhances product consistency and reduces the risk of costly deviations.

Can Facttwin generate customized reports for regulatory audits?

Facttwin streamlines audit preparation by providing:

  • Automatic generation of tamper-proof data logs for equipment performance, environmental conditions, and maintenance activities.
  • Customizable reports aligned with specific regulatory requirements.
  • Easy search and retrieval of historical data.

Our comprehensive reporting capabilities simplify compliance and reduce audit-related stress.

Transform Your Pharma Manufacturing
with Data-Driven Insights

Get a personalized look at how Facttwin can
optimise your processes.
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